4 Pieces of Boat Ramp Etiquette You Should Follow

For both new and experienced boaters, the boat ramp can be a busy and hectic place. You want to be quick and efficient to not back up the line of other boaters waiting to launch. But, you also want to make sure that you’re being safe for yourself and others around you. To get a better idea of what the best practices are, take a look at the following important pieces of boat ramp etiquette that you should employ each time you go to launch your craft. 

1. Get Prepared Beforehand

To be quick and efficient when you get to the actual ramp, you’ll want to get some prep work out of the way first. This means you should fully load up your boat, get your gear stowed away, and ensure you have all the necessary safety equipment on hand before you get to the boat ramp. If you use the ramp as a staging area for preparation, you could be met with some frustration from the other boaters who are trying to launch at the same time. 

You can park nearby and get an assessment of where other boaters are lining up, what the ramp looks like, what the depth of the water is, and other helpful observations that can make your launch quicker and easier when it’s your turn. But, make sure you’re not parking in a place where you will restrict traffic. 

2. Launch Quickly

If you’re boating in a popular location, chances are the boat ramp will be pretty busy, and you may have to wait in line yourself for a few minutes until the ramp is clear for launch. Because of this, you’ll want to launch quickly once it’s your turn, so it can be helpful to have a crew member available to help drive the boat off the trailer when you back it into the water. 

Slowly back down the ramp with your truck and trailer, and be careful to avoid any crafts that are already in the water. Once your partner has successfully backed the boat into the water, quickly drive off the ramp so the next people in line can launch. 

3. Pay Attention to Signage

From launching your boat to parking your truck and trailer for the day, you’ll want to pay attention to the signage in the boat ramp area. This will help you be courteous of any other boaters that might be trying to launch, and ensure you’re parking in the correct spots, using the proper ramp, and adhering to any other rules that are in place. 

This also means you should pay attention to any loading or unloading zones so you can avoid parking in spaces that are meant for temporary use only. Plus, there may be quiet hours for the ramp, meaning you’ll have to launch between certain times of the day. 

4. Stay Safe

Above all, good boat ramp etiquette is keeping yourself and other fellow boaters safe at all times. Again, boat ramps can be quite busy. Between all the excitement of getting out on the water for the day and the pressure to move the line quickly, don’t sacrifice safety for speed while launching or retrieving your craft. Be aware of your surroundings, and have a partner outside of your vehicle if you can to help direct you and steer clear of any accidents.

Boat launchBoat rampBoat ramp safetyBoatingBoating basicsBoating safety