The Green Flash: What It Is and How to See It

You may have heard about the impressive green flash you can catch at sunrise or sunset–but you still have yet to see one for yourself. If you’re starting to think that the green flash is more of a myth than a real phenomenon, you can continue reading below as we discuss what causes the green flash and how you can try to see one in person. 

What Is a Green Flash? When Does It Happen?

It is a visual phenomenon that occurs at sunrise or sunset. The visual of the green flash is caused by the refraction of sunlight that occurs just as the sun dips or appears on the horizon–depending on what time of day it is. 

Some have observed other colors like blue or violet in this phenomenon too, not just green. Those who have seen it point out that the flash is rather sudden, which makes sense why so many people have yet to see one. 

How to See the Green Flash

There is some timing and luck involved with seeing the green flash for yourself. Here are some helpful tips to help you witness this incredible phenomenon. 

Get a Clear View of the Horizon

People have seen the green flash from a variety of locations and altitudes. However, they’re much easier to see with an unobstructed horizon, which you’ll find on the ocean. 

As a boater, you have a better opportunity than anyone to see the green flash firsthand. Drive the boat until you have a totally unobstructed view of the horizon to get yourself in the right location to see the green flash. 

Watch for the Proper Air Conditions

The air conditions need to be just right to see the green flash. If it’s a cloudy day, you’ll have a harder time seeing the green flash. But, if the sky is clear and the weather is stable, your odds of catching the green flash are much better. Any haze, fog, or smog in the air could also keep you from seeing it. 

Timing Is Key

You’ll need to get the timing just right if you want to see the green flash. As we mentioned, you can see this at both sunrise and sunset. So, you can head out on your boat in the early hours or in the late evening, whichever you prefer. 

The green flash occurs in the fleeting moments right before the sun crosses the horizon. So, you may need to do some research to determine the precise time of the sunset or sunrise for your location. Make sure you arrive a few minutes early so you don’t miss the magical moment. 

Be Patient

Most importantly, remember to be patient. If you haven’t seen one before, you may not know exactly what to look for, and you may even miss it on your first couple of attempts to catch one–especially if the conditions are not right. 

If you want to observe this unique event, stay focused and keep your eyes fixed on the point where the sun is about to cross the horizon. The green flash may be brief and last just a few seconds rather than fill the entire sky with green light. So, maintain a steady gaze and be prepared.

Boating bucket listBoating sightsGreen flashSunrise boatingSunset boating